Long History Of Computer In Short

Most of us have already learnt about the history of the computer since the curriculum nowadays includes it into the study of computer science. In fact, it's the first chapter of the book and I still remember those days when we had to remember the timelines for the tests.

Now for those who has no idea about the history of the computer science, here are the basic knowledge that I want to share with you .

Computer evolution started with a Mathematics.

The Computer itself is named from computing the mathematical problems. In other words, it is a device that computes the mathematical problems. Not convinced?

Let's look at the examples,

Abacus and Napier's bone 
These are two of the oldest calculating devices that gave fire to inventing a complex designs of modern computers. They were used to calculate simple to complex mathematical problems at the time.

Mechanical Calculators
After few years of those devices were created, the turn into the mechanical calculating era started. The perfect example of such calculator would be Pascaline which was a primary tool in 1640's for major calculations of the time.

Mechanical Computers 
After a decade a man named Charle's Babbage, who is also named as a father of a modern computer science took the steps forward from Mechanical Calculators and developed a system that modern computer today uses. It was from his invention the first programmer lady Agusta Ada Lovelace finished the work Charles Babbage has left behind which revolutionized the age of computer.

Electronic Computers
It did not take too long after the invention of Mechanical Computers to jump into an Electronic computers. In 1937, the first Electronic Computer was made which was then called ABC, Atanasoff Berry Computer. It is also known as the first generation of computers. They used vaccum tubes and were large in size. They used a large amount of energy.

Just in a decade after that the UNIVAC was introduced. It replaced the traditional vaccum tubes with transistors. It is known as second generation of computers.

With the invention of transistors the modern day computers were made which became much more reliable and portable with the time. They are known as third generation of computers.

Modern Computers 
With it's complex design and use of big number of transistors in one chip, the modern day computers were getting in rise specially into the areas of business such as newspapers, census, military and other major places but there were no markets among normal people.

Before Apple - I, the first personal computer was launched in end of 1974 named Mits Altair 8800, which was not a big go to PC for people so they were still only used in organization.

Later, with the development, IBM released a computer IBM-PC for general people that was easy to set up and used by the people at their home.

With the design of Adam Osborne, IBM integrated and launched a portable laptop, named IBM PC convertible, which was heavier than the modern day laptops but compact.

Portable Computers
After the invention of Portable convertible, the general market shares started to rise, thus the competition also grew. Finally there were two major companies inventing the computers at the time , one was Apple and the other was IBM (currently known as Microsoft). These companies collided with each other and revolutionized the world of computer forever.

In October 2007, a first handheld touch phone, which was known as a smart phone that could do almost half of the tasks a computer could do, was launched by Apple. It was a first Iphone.

Apple took a leap forward and launched an iPad in 2010, which is one of the most used portable computer of the modern days. It could do almost everything a computer could do.

After 2010, Android came into the market as well and started to make even more complex designs of the portable handheld devices such as google pixel, samsung glaxy series and huawei.
